Rose Braid Scarf

The kit consists of: 

  • Six merino wool yarns from Adriafil, Italy 
  • Needle No.4

Note: you can choose merino yarn or merino mixed with acrylic yarn from Berfere de France and choose needle no.5.5 as option as well.


You can start to do 50 loops and knit with braid pattern (width around 15-16 cm and height around 150-160 cm). You can choose to do corrugated pattern as option as well.


***If you are complete beginner, we would recommend you to come to learn with our Needle Instructor at Bangkok Needle Home. If any questions/queries about this DIY project, feel free to contact our Needle Instructor onsite at the shop or via phone and Line. Tel/Whatsapp: (+66) 0860191611 LineID: puieandclaire


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